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Starostwo Powiatowe w Lipnie
ul. Sierakowskiego 10B
87-600 Lipno

tel. (+48) 54 306 61 00
fax: (+48) 54 306 61 99
e-mail: starostwo@lipnowski.powiat.pl

serwis www starostwa: lipnowski.powiat.pl
skrzynka podawcza ePUAP: /SPLipno/SkrytkaESP

NIP starostwa: 466-01-42-599
NIP powiatu: 466-03-86-812
REGON: 910866494


 Dear colleagues,
DOF Herning, Denmark, is looking for partners to a Citizen for Europe project on connecting local volunteers with volunteers in other European countries.
Some of the project aims:
¡         Taking volunteering from local to European level by pairing volunteers from one country with organisations or associations in another country.
¡         Facilitating the creation and anchoring of a genuinely felt European identity among the volunteers and associations in the target group.
DOF Herning is looking for partners among clubs, associations and civic society organisations within any type of field, like for instance youth organisations, amateur sports associations, trade unions, environmental associations or volunteer-based relief and welfare organisations.
Deadline for expression_ of interest is 25 January 2015.
Contact details:
Project manager Rune Riismoeller
mobile phone +45 28 68 31 25
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Søren Riis Mikkelsen
Project Assistant

Central Denmark EU Office
Telephone: +32 2 230 87 32

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